Holdovers should be about the most talented players getting those positions. The SC ODP girls program faired badly this year in getting holdovers. The question would be: are there region level talented girls in the SC ODP program getting overlooked or does the program overall lack that level of talent? Probably the only way to get at this question is to look at regional results of the club teams- that is, to win games against regional opponents you have to have region level talent-talented players win games against other talented players. That is the reason to look at club/team success. If the SC club teams can compete with Florida and GA, then there must be talented players on those teams. Talented enough to be heldover when competing with these same players at ODP. There will also be talented players on other SC teams as well. The answer appears to be yes- the SC girl's ODP teams have region level talent that is being overlooked. Florida, on the other hand, seems to get more players held over than their
success would dictate- their players do not appear to be more talented than the SC players, so the FL ODP contingent must be doing extremely well in promoting their talent. The SC ODP coaches seem to be doing all they can for the players. I think the other states, especially Florida, are employing different strategies in addition to their team coaches