
Very good point. The CESA Premier 93 Girls are a solid R3PL team but I believe only two or three players from that squad were represented on the 94 Girls ODP team.


Here's another way to look at the situation. Let's look at the make up of the only South Carolina girl to get heldover in the four age groups this summer. I have heard two different coaches, one a college women's coach, another a DOC of a large club, talk about her ability. Both said the same thing:

"She plays like a guy".

Certainly this young lady has very good technical and tactical ability but the greatest compliment they could offer was that she plays like a guy.

Question to all the parents out there.......does your daughter "play like a guy"?

Last edited by Hurst66; 07/21/08 02:09 PM.

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.