The girls '94 ODP team had more girls from CESA '93 come to tryouts, they just didn't all make the team. The same with Bridge and Columbia United. This team probably had at least 90% or more of the best girls in this age group in SC on it. In the last game of camp last year this team beat NC #1 1-0. This year at region camp the team went 2-0-1. It is not the girls fault if they were not playing the best teams at camp. After winning their first two games with good victories maybe the region staff should have put them up against what they percieved to be a better team and seen how they performed. If that is what they did in scheduling them against South Texas(a 1-1 draw)then the team showed they can play. I find it hard to believe that in three successful games not one of these girls proved to be in the top 43 at camp.