This is the link to the club website with the new positions and people. Matt is still with the club as Academy DoC and Kian Brownlee was promoted to Select DoC.

It'll be interesting to see where the club goes in the next few years, whether there will be more changes and this is only temporary or whatever. I just hope they'll adopt a better attitude than "skills, skills, skills. We want an American Ronaldinho and you can always learn to pass later." Cos number one, Ronaldinho didn't become Ronaldinho because they did skills in practice; he became Ronaldinho because he spent every moment outside of practice taking what he'd learned and working it and adapting it. And number two, anyone who says you can learn to pass later has never coached girls...I grew up with people who STILL hadn't learned that passing = good by the age of 16, on a Premier League team.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; [it] is also what it takes to sit down and listen.