Kum Bah Ya? C'mon, are you seriously poking fun at a coach for not kicking another program while its down?

At the risk of attracting the attention of any witty commentators, I'll go ahead and add that Coach Cook has done a remarkable job of instilling discipline and respect in his team and players. I realize that much good can be overshadowed and even undone by one bad incident (and the incident was bad), but soccer2103's point making broad assumptions based on limited facts is valid and admirable.

Lastly, with all due respect to Coach Cook and his acceptance of the penalty, I'm going to go ahead and say unequivocably that the decision by the SCHSL was just wrong. If the SCHSL wants to "send a strong message", then first identify the problem (if any), then tailor the message to address the problem, and then "send a strong message". Mr. Greene's wreckless and ignorant comment that "we have more problems with soccer than any other sport" demonstrate that the action by SCHSL was a knee-jerk reaction that is not based in fact, sound reasoning or any probability that a problem will be remedied.

Of course, it may be unfair to Judge Mr. Greene or the SCHSL based on one comment or action - perhaps I should look at the comment or action in context, determine if it is indicative of a larger problem that has a probability of repeating and then comment appropriately.