
SoccerMom85 -

I'm not commenting AT ALL about Charleston's decision to cancel ... I was in MB for a tourney and we played on a field with 6+ inches of standing water easily on 30% of one side of the field (worst I'd ever seen period) ... Again, though, no bearing on Charleston. I'm writing because as a member of CUFC and also being in Atlanta in the Georgia Dome during the storm last year, there were SERIOUS concerns about people's safety all the way through Saturday night. My sons were refereeing at 3p and were pulled due to tornado warnings. It was supposed to get bad Saturday night and while most of the bad stuff passed, CUFC did NOT want people worrying about getting to a field, IF it would be available, etc. They wanted families to be safe and put soccer second. So before you pass judgment on CUFC, know that your soccer-or-die attitude is not what club officials were worrying about when making the decision to cancel Sunday.

And, no, no one is due a refund for MPSC if they cancelled for rain - no matter when or how. However, I do think MPSC should have had much better contingency plans to play at other fields. Myrtle Beach scrambled, but one bracket (my younger team) actually went to 3 different sites on Saturday and finished playing at a 4th site later Saturday/Sunday. They went through hoops to make sure people got to play. I don't think it SEEMS MPSC (while NOT knowing their extra fields situation) did a whole lot to try and find alternate fields.

Again, I don't know any facts about Chas. and really don't care. But easy on CUFC for thinking first about EVERYONE'S safety.

Well, this kinda makes my point about this whole Monday morning quaterbacking of MPSC.

Here is how I would have handled that last spring in Columbia....I would have told all the teams to be on standby. Pushed all the games for Sunday back one hour and told everyone to be on standby in the morning. I agree with the cancellations on Saturday. That made perfect sense and was totally appropriate.

But I really think they jumped the gun for Sunday. The issue then was the storms impact at the very moment the storm was passing overhead...NOT with the amount of rain it dropped on the fields.

I don't know the situation for fields in MP, so I don't know what other fields there could have been. Are you indicating they should have tried Summerville, or Chas So, or James Island?

(BTW...I appreciate your wording. I'm sorry if I came off too harsh on Col United. I'm just a bit frustrated at seeing such venom directed toward MP when I think they did try to offer a solution.)