
In all fairness, the CUFC tournament got hit by a tornado that did damage at some of the venues, maybe not the one you were at but there were other considerations. They also gave partial refunds and/or discounts for registrations fees to future tournaments, all dependent on number of games your team played.

What do people do when they go on vacation and it rains so they have to do something other than lay on the beach?

The 'damage' we were told of last year were that some of the fields had lots of leaves, small tree limbs (the kind kids could have picked up) and lots of twigs all over them. The tournament did not get hit be a tornado. The tornadoes that were in the area were not at any of the venues for the tournament.

I don't look at that as damage. I was told that there was one field that had a small tree that came down, but it was nothing that a few men could not have picked up and moved out of the way.

I would have gladly volunteered my time to go to a field and remove the twigs and leaves in order for our kids to play that Sunday.

I agree that Saturday cancellations were the correct call for the weather conditions that day.

My issue was with Sunday, in my opinion, those games were called and I think more could have been done to ensure those games were able to be played.

If there was significant damage to a field somewhere...please post and let us know.

I even went back and read the thread that dealt with this issue. Lots of words about "damage" and then some posters who said they walked the fields and only found standing water.

Again, if there was actual damage like downed power lines at a venue, then I will stand corrected....but I don't think that was the case.