I agree with not limiting subs in league and cup play. Players come out to get training, gain experience, and enjoy competition. You can't do those things while sitting on the bench. Of course, teams are in this to compete, and the best players are going to get the majority of the field time, but having unlimited subs gives coaches a lot more flexibility to give other players the chance to come on the field, test themselves, and then come back off if necessary. If we start putting limits on subs at this level, coaches will have to think long and hard before giving a second-string player a chance to step on the grass--which means fewer players will be getting opportunites to have the experience they're coming out for. I know I would be much more reluctant to pull a starter off the field if there were no re-entry...which means someone on the bench would be sitting there a lot longer, if they got in at all. That just doesn't seem fair in the spirit of development and opportunity.

I've got good news and bad news...