redevil and Dcsoccer, maybe people are venting here on this board because they have been to the "correct" people and are very frustrated with the process or complete lack of any concrete results. I think if you went around and spoke to parents of children in the academy you would find a surprisingly high level of frustration, have you spoken to parents of children in the academy ? Do you have any firsthand experience with the academy ? Have you had a child in the academy ? You may have, I don't know.

It's easy to call someone a coward without knowing the complete story. It is exactly the kind of thing you are accusing mpsoccerfan and I of participating in. Redevil, these people you know are willing to sit down and listen, this is true, but listen is all they do.
Nothing that has been written on this forum is anything that has not been said out loud, over and over. There are parents who got tired of going to the "correct" people. They started taking their concerns directly to the Town of Mt. P.and not just the Rec Dept. This isn't a problem of a few "cowardly" people on a forum board.