Just for clarification, I am not an academy supporter. I think it is another way that the system has tried to say that this is now the new level that is the "best". In five years they will come up with a new level like they always have and name it "X". X will then be the newest and best thing. But I am telling you, from what I have witnessed, there have been fewer coaches at the other events. I do large tournaments (ODP region camps, ODP holdovers, state cup, regionals, Pumas Cup in Chicago, Rainbow and Watermellon tournament, USA cup, etc....), so I have seen the difference. There are some coaches that still go to the other tournaments, but not as many. Just an observation, I have no dog in the fight one way or the other, my kids are only 4 and 2. Stand back, take a breath and relax. You gotta love message boards, people are way to serious all of the time, or else they show their ability to judge or ignorance.

If you are going to argue a point, at least get factual information to back up your side.....