First, I'm not sure what you mean about "reverting back to a 10-point scale." SC had no such scale, and nothing was uniform before the most recent mandate. I know of virtually no K-12 schools that has used a 10-point scale; that has been far more common in colleges—not in K-12 schooling.

When the uniform mandate came into effect, the high school where I taught had our "A" LOWERED one point, in fact. . .

Next, the entire scenario is insane. SC's "uniform" scale doesn't make anything equitable; that is Utopian thinking. And I was shocked when my daughter went through the NCAA system—that is also insane.

Student-athletes are at the mercy of some idiotic bureaucracy that is more about "show" than anything of value.

Your post is very important; we should be more equitable to student-athletes. . .but don't hold your breath.

The NCAA and most schools (K-12 and colleges/universities) are interested in "looking" academically tough while continuing the wink-wink, nod-nod approach to athletics/academics.

Sigh. . .

"Living well's the best revenge." r.e.m.