

It would help in that regard...much like high school tennis seasons with girls in the fall and boys in the spring. It would also create a conflict with fall club season, though...I think a lot of highly-ranked schools would hate to have players needing to choose between playing high school or club ball.

SCYSA would love for High School soccer to move to the fall. That way they could move the club season to the spring and have the State Cup just before regionals instead of being the only state in the Region 3 (along with girls in NC) that has state cup six months before regionals.

Bingo! I don't think this is a joke idea that can't sprout legs. I really think we could get girls moved to the fall because it saves schools money and club for girls could move to spring.

I realize that football coaches would never allow boys to play in the fall, but most of these guys are also ADs and I am sure they would be in favor of moving a girl's sport to the fall.