
It's a tough call and I'm not slamming rec soccer. I know the rec soccer experience is great, especially when you are on a winning team.....and I know it's fun to play with your friends every year. But if your rec team is consistently loaded each season, how does that foster fair competition within the league? Shouldn't you divide it up evenly to level the playing field?

My dad did it the right way when he coached my sister's little league softball team. My sister was the second best player in the league, my dad's assistant coach had twins who were the first and third best players in the league. He won the coin toss at the pre-season league meeting where he got the first draft pick and chose the fourth best player in the league. That was on the up & up! Well within the rules.

Last edited by Hurst66; 12/12/08 01:16 PM.

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.