
I guess that can be expected. My guess would be that more coaches were looking at 2010's, then 2011s. Sounds like is was worthwhile overall.

Definetly worthwhile.

During our first game some local yingyangs drove by on Anderson Ridge Road and shouted out soccer sucks, or some such words of wisdom.

The more often we get kids from around the state who love the game and play it fairly well.....to get together and play for fun, the healthier the game will be. Because God knows right now we don't live in a culture that puts a lot of value on soccer. Most of our kids don't have neighborhood buddies that they can go get a pickup game going, as they do for football or bball.

Thanks again to the CESA folks for organizing a fun day. Will be anxious to hear how it goes for the girls....my wife made the trip today with my daughter.