
Had 11 girls register- 1 fell sick and did not make the trip- but 10 of them went up there and had a ball, they are all a bit sore today. Add in 3 Super Moms, 1 Great Dad, my Super Wife and me and that makes 16.

ROH- I find that very interesting too... but then again... high school soccer and us high school coaches don't really matter anymore anyway- right? On the player registration form they did not have spot to put any HS information- other than their year of graduation.

RE: "Chicken-yea" we were wondering the same thing too about Sunday and Chic-Fil-A, but I can also tell you that my freshmen girls were with the first group to eat and it was ALL Arbys, although one of them did say she got an "egg roll thingy" instead of a roast beef sandwich

Tony King