I have a question. Last fall, we had a parent on our team who was yelling to his daughter to slide tackle a player. As in "DAUGHTER'S NAME, slide tackle her" He did this repeatedly throughout the whole tournamanet.

These are girls in the U13 to U14 range, playing PMSL.

Personally, I thought he was out of line. I don't think slide tackles at this level and age are appropriate...and I certainly did not think it appropriate for a parent to be yelling for her to do this. I've seen a player get seriously injured by a 'come from behind' two-footed slide tackle.

The father claimed I didn't understand soccer, even though I've had over 5 years experience in travel soccer (another child that played, not the one on this team) to his two years of experience.

What do you veteran's (nice way of saying old timers) think about slide tackles by younger players.