
Coach P,

Uh-oh, the dreaded "double assist"!

How many other schools are using this statistic as well?

Kyle/Kevin.......can we have a ruling?

In the absence of a soccer statistics guide from the SCHSL or NFHS (if there is one, we are not aware of it), we use the NCAA Soccer Statisticians’ Manual. The following is from the section on assists:

"If a scoring play consists of two consecutive passes without a defender gaining control of the ball, two assists may be awarded, provided the second player does not have to elude a defender to make the final pass. Both passes must have a direct influence on the outcome of a goal scored. If the second player needs to elude a defender before passing to the goalscorer, credit only that assist."

For the final goal in last night's match, our right midfielder passed the ball to our forward who one-touched a pass to the central midfielder who finished nicely with one touch.