Hopefully this will straighten everything out for you and shed alittle more light on the purpose of the post it history and all.
First off am not sure why you keep saying i have an agenda,FYI i do not,thought it would be interesting to get views about the soccer atmosphere
2.I already got in touch with a couple of people about my first posting mentioning availability for Fall season. So i deleted the post.Unfortunately am new to all the deletion and editing process so i am sure i hurt your feelings by the way i did it.For that i apologize.
3.I am not from SC originally and i don't know that much history about SC soccer prior to the time i started coaching in SC hence my question about soccer progress Pre-1990. Also i was really interested in actually hearing from posters about their views on the changes since the olden days as it seems that from the posts on this forum,people are rather knowledgable about the game.
4. You commented on me using the term "WE". FYI, I do not have ANY child(ren) playing soccer and i always use "WE" because "WE" in our soccer situation simply makes us all accountable for progress.
In summary,have you ever stopped and thought that maybe certain attitudes or approaches to "our" kids issues are what drive some members in the soccer system to do what they are doing? I happen to have been trained by some of the best international and local trainers and there was nothing in all that soccer education that pointed to egoistic antagonism and if you want to talk about an athlete being happy,i had some of the happiest times learning,playing and training with people from different cultures.
I will just say that i was simply looking to get some feedback about changes since pre and post 1990 in SC soccer. And am talking about an educative type feedback.Some people would surely appreciate the education about the changes.