My two cents worth...
The talk of a dynasty now comparative to the stretches of dominance that Irmo has had in the past is nonsense. Is it possible in the next 4-5 years? Yes, but to start talk of that now just seems silly. But to say that this Irmo team is not on the level with some of the other Irmo teams of the past seems almost as silly. They have been absolutely dominant in every game they have played and have numerous kids that have the potential to go and play at division division one soccer programs. For those people who don't think they are on that level, you must just be Irmo alumni who are still living in the past. (NW lovers, I didn't say anything about them Irmo being better so please don't bash me)

On another note, Rob Cowell... I hope for your sake and your son's that you are not actually his father because your argument is ridiculous. I know you love your son and he is in fact a good kid and a hard worker, but to put it politely he has the touch of a rapist. Your son failed to improve from 9th grade on and indeed did not deserve to start that game. For you as no more than a soccer parent to try a take shots at and question the tactics of a coach with half a billion state championships is ludicrous. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.

On yet another kind of of topic note, is anyone else amazed/suprised at the discrepancy of talent between the top 2 teams(Irmo+NW) as compared to the other teams in the state, 4A mostly. Irmo has outscored ranked opponents 23-4 (9-4 win over the #4 team) and NW 20-4 (6-1 win over the #6 team). I realize NW has had a few close games, but it is a bit more difficult to score when teams play a 8-1-1 against you. Is this a reflection on how dominant and talented these two teams are or a reflection of down years at other usually competitive schools. In the past going into the playoffs there would be maybe two or three favorites, but 7 or 8 teams with legitimate chances to win a state championship. This year it seems as if its almost entirely a two horse race with maybe a team or two having an outside shot if things go their way entirely.