
Thanks coach, that does help some. I just hope that SCISA has a little more respect for the soccer side than what it appears the SCHSL does.

I know there is possibly some play in games and such on the boys side, but you would think they would have at least the structure defined and posted at this point, given the games are on Monday.

For whatever reason, SCISA seems to be about the same when it comes to posting things and getting info out. SLOW. For example, the SCISA All-State reception is scheduled for this coming Sunday, May 3. However, the All-State Team has yet to be announced. Playoffs start Monday for boys, and no brackets are posted online. However, they have emailed out brackets and information to ADs and coaches. It would be nice if more up-to-date information could be found online at the SCISA website instead of having to research so much. Such is life I guess.