You brought up the issue here but I'm sure you're heard the cliche that if you lie down with dogs you'll get up with fleas.

You obviously are trying to minimize this issue and I get that. You're excited about this "agreement" and you don't want this to gain traction. I get it and so does everyone else. But answer me this question. If you were starting a business and you brought someone in to run that business would your list of candidates come from Rikers Island. You know that if you did this your company would lose credibility. Just watch Fox or MSNBC - depending on your orientation- and you'll see this same scenario played out over and over again.

I'll say it again. For the life of me, I can't understand why South Carolina United would put themselves in this situation. I'll say right here that this is total speculatuon but from the outside looking in,it looks like ethics were jumped over for getting the deal done. Regardless of this being Mt. Pleasant, CESA,CFC or whoever I would have a problem with that. This is not the type of behaviour South Carolina soccer wants to be associated with. Every coach, club, director needs to be held to a higher standard.Surely you see this don't you.