So much for the neutral comment..I am excited about this from the girls perspective..We are not taking part in this due to economic reasons and my child has two years left of ball and I see this venture as something that could benefit girls down the road..If I was starting a business and this man came to work for me..I would put him where I could get the most out of him but yet tie his hands so he could not ruin my business..
Is everyone in your place of business ethical or have the right character? Does your company still survive because of the other hundred employees that make it work but yet this person does bring something to the table?
I am not trying to defend his actions..he has to answer for that but I would not throw a program under the bus just because he is associated with it.
How many rules do we have at SCYSA because of what coaches or parents have done in the past? There is a form to fill out for every thing you do..Why? Because at some time in the past someone crossed into that grey area or got caught cheating..SCYSA decided what his punishment was..It's not for us to do..