I find your perspective quite hypocritical. Results have mattered to Bridge CUFC, and every other club for that matter for quite some time. In fact, and corret me if I am wrong, but weren't you the poster on this board a couple of years ago slandering a youth girls CESA team for playing up an age group? I believe it was stated that they couldn't compete at that level. What were the results of that rage?

If results didn't matter, Bridge nor CUFC would be attempting to leave SCYSA. Yes, that is correct. I believe that a major factor in the decision to move to the Academy and adopt the convenient "results do not matter" or that they aren't as important philosophy is in part due to the lack of success in the SCYSA and its competition structure of head to head, state cup playoffs. A system where everyone doesn't qualify for Premier League. In this system, it becomes very obvious the differences between one club and the next. The results have been well-documented.

Furthermore, I find it very interesting that a club will promote itself as playing in an elite national league on the girls side, when they honestly don't know if they will gain acceptance into these tournaments. Look at past results for that matter. Why do teams attend the orange cup or bowl or whatever it is called? CESA will be a part of a legitmate league where their acceptance into the league guarantees participation.

Finally, I have a decent idea as to where results stand in the big picture. However, I think they matter a little bit more than your boy and CUFC would care to admit.