And so begins the club spin.

At the risk of perpetuating the club spin, I'm going to offer some other possible explanations to some of this.

CESA, from the parent and player perspective, is pretty much politic free. CESA, and other clubs, particularly the ones striving for competitive programs, are by their very nature in competition with each other. Is it CESA's intent to destroy other clubs, I personally don't think so, but, that's a personal opinion. By their actions in competition with others, it can be seen that way though. Not all players that leave one club to go to CESA do so because of being stolen or recruited. Does that happen, sure, but it happens with any and all of these competitive entities.

By your term all clubs trying to promote this game, that includes CESA. Now, CESA, CUFC, Bridge and any other clubs may be on different paths for that growth, but, I personally don't think any one club can be singled out against the others for not trying to grow the game, because it may be done differently, and for club/business specific reasons.

It is a good move for Bridge and CUFC, but it takes a little more depth of understanding of some of the potential drivers rather than restating the providing more rounded service for the kids.

Now, do I agree with Loc's statement about a vision developed and carried out by soccer people, not really. In my personal experience, the soccer people had the vision, but lacked the development and implementation. Essentially, how to advance the vision, while making something a win - win situation, gaining the necessary buy in for the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is something that means different things to different people, and that is what the constant battle of communication was, is, and will be.