An SCYSA hearing panel has issued a decision suspending Clark Brisson from SCYSA activities for 16 months. Mr Brisson is considering his rights to appeal and will make his own decisions as to how to proceed with that part of the process. The SCUFC board and soccer leadership were aware of the charges and the hearing that took place last week.

The SCYSA panel decision does not have a direct impact on the ability of Mr. Brisson to serve in the capacity of Executive Director for SCUFC at this time. The SCUFC board is reviewing the effects of this finding on Mr. Brisson's involvement in the activities of the club during his SCYSA suspension. These considerations include, among other things, the affect of any appeals that may be filed, any actions that might be taken by US Soccer, the impact that this sanction has on the reputation of the club, and most importantly the need to send a clear and unambiguous message to our players, their coaches and their families that fair play and sportsmanship are the basic value of all sport.

SCUFC's participation in the US Soccer Development Academy for the 2009/2010 season will not be affected by this suspension. Our tryouts will proceed as indicated on our website -

(Anyone with questions about any aspect of the club is invited to address them to the staff of South Carolina United FC)