
Chass: I'm glad you're back on the enlightened path. I will admit I took great pleasure in watching you stoop to my level- I know you feel bad about it so turn to the east and you'll be fine.

You missed my point about dodgeball. Read Rick Reilly and his article protesting the fact that some schools are banning volleyball because it hurts the losers. I know that you are a "professional," so I assumed you would pick that up. My mistake.

I knew my back must have been sore for a reason...I'm getting too old to stoop like that. I didn't miss the point at all...I think you missed the point of the response. That's ok. First rule of competition is that in order to win, you have to be willing to accept the possibility of losing...that's competition. But that's ON the field/court. Don't know where you got the fistfight thing from.

I think you also missed the idea that the comments about modeling sportsmanship weren't directed at you...they were directed at whoever they fit. No need to call names...people know when the shoe fits, as you so aptly demonstrated--just don't assume that it was a personal attack.

Hey, we kick rocks around here for fun...no worries about a silly little dodgeball.

I've got good news and bad news...