CESA won 8 of the 12 State Championships in the Challenge league.Each of those teams will be in the Premier league next year and 7 of those 8 will be at Regionals this year.You need to check the site again.

I think it's great that JIYS has done well at this level and hope this carries in to their more competitive years. The reason you don't see more CESA here is that their priority is at the academy level, not on winning U12 cups.

The last point deals with this idea that CESA only recruits players but does not develop them. This has been mentioned several times on this board.If that were the case though how does one account for all the success that CESA has had at state cups at the U13 level. If memory serves I believe that the only 13 challenge teams that did not win were 2. One was this year and the other was when CESA 93 girls played up out of their age group.