thanks parker/mak dude.

but seriously...why is "development" so important to cesa BEFORE u13, but then bang-pow, (or whatever noise a just-turned-13-yr-old makes) you hit u13 and it's not about development anymore? now, all of a sudden, it’s all about winning state championships.

you and reccos (can’t leave out my peep loc dog) spend your time on here belittling people who don’t conform to the cesa plan, and you get really pi$$ed off when people refuse to answer your "easy" questions, but when anyone asks YOU questions you don’t like, you either disappear for days, or tell them they’re hilarious.

c'mon, you talk the're hammering people because they place too much emphasis on pre-u13 state cups, but then, immediately upon hitting that age, now state championships are "all-important." why? you just inferred it – is it all about winning now?

do you even know why cesa chooses to do the things they do, or do you just follow blindly and tell everyone else they're wrong?