My two cents on the magic of U13/R3PL.

Until you have played in the PL, it is hard to understand the level of competition it provides on a constant basis. Having to go out there and battle at that level every week IS about development. I would put out there that, for top players, it is the best way they can develop.

There is a caveat. Much like a sport such as tennis, if you are playing against a player so much better than you that you cannot return a ball, you won't get better. But if you can be competitive, not win, but compete each and every game, there is no doubt in my mind that the players in PL improve, develop and learn the physical, mental and technical skill required to compete at a top level.

Prior to the availability of PL, some clubs decide that playing for championships adds value while others don't. I don't think either is right or wrong. But, at least to me, once PL is available, striving to play and compete at that level should be the main goal of any top team.