
JAK, did you really say the following: "The error of your thinking is that you assume development occurs more at practice than at games and that teamwork happens from practicing together, not a player mindset."

were you being serious? you are suggesting that thinking "that teamwork happens from practicing together" is "NOT a player mindset"? what player or players are telling you this?

NOTHING can replace practice. sure, players improve by competing and challenging themselves in high-level games, but that does not make up for practice.


"I have also seen players who attend one practice a week who play a great team game while others are at every practice and don't have a clue about teamwork." well, sure, that just shows the difference in the skill levels of those players. there are plenty of really good players who can just show up for games and still do better than most of their team...but that can only go on for so long. eventually, others will catch up to him, and the lack of time spent with his team will show.

I have to second you on that one Bell,you are definately right,it does catch up with them.Dissecting that point to the most likely imediate level of play after club ball...college ball,a good number usually end up quitting soccer after the first semester or two despite being all tournament e.t.c at club level and the only ones left wondering what happened besides the player are really the parents questioning how this could have come about.Meanwhile at that time,not only will there not be worthwhile answers from the previous game tutors (if you even get any response) but forums like this don't quite exist.Witnessed several cases in the day. Said it before, everybody has got a choice in all this but just don't be suprised.Of course best wishes to all the lads that they successfully make it to through that level.