yep, shibumi, very nice post...and then onthefence comes along....

onthefence - if you recall - i know you don't WANT to recall - but if you recall, the bridge TRIED to get everyone to do something similar to what cesa did. remember, bridge ALLIANCE - was to be made up of players from all clubs who wanted to be a part of it. (not really wanting to get into this whole thing again) but it didn't quite work that way because not everyone wanted what was best for the lowcountry - too many personal agendas and too many egos (along with plenty other issues).

cesa was able to successfully join the two clubs in greenville - what if they had not been able to do that? i feel certain they would now be "borrowing" players from each other from one season to the next. but, that is not the case - they WERE able to make it work.

so, back in the lowcountry - not everyone decided to work together. are you saying that the bridge should have just given up and walked away?

if you're not saying that, what is the alternative?

make up your mind.

thanks shibumi, for trying to keep it positive....maybe you can help onthefence a little with his attitude.