


Fort Mill 2
Blythewood 1
OT (PK's 4-3)

Hard fought game by both sides. Very little energy left.

110 minutes of GAMETIME! Great game by both sides, Fort Mill went up early and Blythewood answered early in the second half. Blythewood lacking a little bit of depth after a starting Midfielder was red carded in the Airport game, the boys left it all on the field and thats all you can ask for. Good Luck to Fort Mill who has a very strong side heading up to Wren? It will be an interesting game. Once again thanks to the seniors for Blythewood this year some of them varsity ever since the school was open, you've started a great winning tradition here at Blythewood High School good luck to all in thier future plans. Great Year boys.

Lot of effort on both sides! One sloppy defensive series for FMHS allowed a well placed shot to score for Blythewood.
Other than that FMHS controlled the game most of the time and just could not get the "luck" they needed to push another one in. Give credit to BHS d for bending but not breaking over and over and over. Both team showed a lot of heart in the extra times but FMHS could not will the ball in till the PK's. The two blocks by FMHS goalie were excellent, both were good shots stopped by outstanding effort. I am still not sure how he got his hand on the first block???? The shot was very hard and yet he batted it away, would have made a high light real if ESPN was filming!

As for the REFS the calls were a little one sided (I guess all fans feel that way about refs, but really they missed alot!), but to lose track of PK's well that seems to be really unexcusable. Look at your card, you are writing it down. Right????

Yeah the Ref's ehhhh. Its kind of bad when you cant keep up with the PK count and you go ahead and tell Fort Mill they won the game when they didnt there students storm the field just to be told the game is not over. They must not have been very good math students in high school.