WOW! I get my own page! Thank you Coach Sharpless, and Coach Estes for the support (COACH'S). As for everyone else,I’m not one to argue with a bunch of high school soccer players, or do I feel I need to defend myself! I do need to speak for my boys! Those who know me, know I would not yell profanity at any player! As for the “ridiculed our team beyond imagination” comment? Chanting “Over Rated” isn’t ridiculing anyone! Yes, Indian Land beat us three times this season. I didn’t realize that beating a Charter School was such a big accomplishment! We finished third in Region 2-A (The region that has won states 8 years in a row)! Third! Our strength of schedule was 149-133-1 (If you count the team from Dacula, GA). We played 23 games this season and only 8 were 1-A schools (6 of them we have to play). The rest were 3 and 4 A schools. Personally I think Indian Land had a great team, anyone who goes Undefeated deserves recognition no matter what the strength of schedule is. Just in case you didn't see it "A GREAT TEAM!" I didn’t realize that you guys were so sensitive! Sorry my team chanted “Overrated”! It wasn’t personal, I apologize! I didn’t think it was a big deal! Especially when your program made sure we knew you were undefeated as we were walking to our bus after that playoff lose!

As for how I talk to my players! Only few know the relationship I have with my boys! I love my boys, and I know how hard I can push them! No matter what I say to them, they know its not personal! So “Giggs”, if your that Ref from the game, you defiantly lost your “man card” when you started the fight and then went to get help!

Thanks again Coach Sharpless, and Coach Estes for the support.

P.S.- Thanks for the e-mails you've already sent to my AD. I'll see you guys next season, I'm not going anywhere!

Coach K "If winning was easy, everyone would do it!" -Bob Ladimr