I personally heard him call an IL player a pu$$y, then try to start a fight during the middle of the game when confronted about it. He was much better the other 2 times we played them. Then he pulls his little stunt at SCS.....he is bi-polar beyond belief. He also needs some major chapstick for all that butt kissing he does with the SCS coach...Maybe burts bees will sponsor him next year. I'm sure "coach k" (which is a disgrace to the real coach k) is a very fine gentleman...when properly medicated for his anger issues, bi-polarism, or rebellion from a troubled youth...i dont know. What I do know is that to say what he did to a high schooler, then try to FIGHT during a game, then lead the charge during our playoff game...he has major issues...he definately lost his "man card" on that one.

regardless, thanks "coach" and the GT players for attending our playoff game and supporting IL soccer through each of your $5 contributions at the gate.