I think some of the issue has to deal with options. Kids here have tremendous options to play football, basketball, baseball, etc. I know England, Ireland, etc have other popular sports such as rugby and cricket, but soccer rules there. Even in Spain where basketball is gaining ground, soccer still reigns supreme. Here (especially in the south) football rules. Also, some kids here see they can make more money persuing a pro career in another sport.

I think Altidore may be on the Tim Howard track... go to Europe with one team but find the stride with another. The only problem is that GKers don't hit their peek until their late 20s to early 30s which is the age most field players (especially attacking players) tend to break down. I hope he can find it soon!!

The kids I coach now are more studious about the game than I ever was. They have more availability with FOX Soccer Channel, Gol TV, etc than i ever had... however, most still do not know about the smaller domestic leagues in Caribbean or South American countries. If I had known there were domestic leagues in places like Jamaica, T&T, Guatelmala, etc, I would have trained harder in college to open up those doors.