I am not writing this as a naysayer, but, to let those that may be considering attempting this some of what happened before. Keep in mind, this was before the USSF Academy program, so that to me is an unkown potential impact.

The ideas about the business concern of the Battery if they were involved with the youth program are very real. They remained consistent that the Battery would not run the youth program due to the concern over fan base.

When questioned about getting behind the consolidation fully, their comment was, get all clubs on board (MPSC in particular). As I've said before, MPSC remained consistent get the Battery on board and they were. Chicken and the egg. Even when this was stated by one of the Battery owners, to representatives of MPSC, in a joint meeting held in the Battery conference room, it didn't happen. (not a slight to MPSC, and don't want to get into all of that again, but, that is what happened)

Bottom line, if you want the Battery involved in any appreciable way, then you first must consolidate all of the clubs efforts, and then jointly approach them.

As an aside:
Someone mentioned Atlanta, Rochester, and Richmond. These teams have been around for a while, and all 3 had affiliate youth systems. I don't know what that meant for each of their areas, but there were youth teams competing under the same name. The Battery played each of these as a home and away each year. All 3 of these youth teams were also members of US Club Soccer.

During these early discussions, one of the ideas presented to the Battery was a consolidated effort between the pro and youth teams. Through US Club Soccer friendlies, a U18 youth match could be played in front of the pro match. Example, Charleston vs Rochester U18 Boys in Charleston, Rochester vs Charleston U18 Girls in Rochester, swithching the genders the next year. That was appealing to them. One of the difficulties was in the scheduling.

PS I agree with CHT, there aren't too many from Charleston that have made the choice to go to Greenville.

PPS I disagree with the generalization that the players that have, were "heavily" recruited.