
My question is, was this decided before the tournament began? If so, then the other teams knew what they were up against. Farragut would essentially be punished for going 4-0, and beating 3 top 15 teams, yet they would get 3rd? When no other team in the tournament would have accomplished anything like that.

Based off of the previous two posts, no.

"This was agreed on by Wando and Farragut since they achieved the highest point totals. Farragut has to return to Knoxville, Tenn., mid-morning because the FHS Senior Prom is Saturday night."

Agree that no other team would have accomplished the same thing, but this is a tournament, not a round robin. The best team in a tournament is not always the winner. You won't find another tournament in the country that bills itself as being one of the best that changes rules during the competition and doesn't have a championship game.