Premier, Challenge, Classic are all leagues that connotate a level of play in South Carolina. Elite, White, Gold, Superfantastic, are all adjectives used to describe teams in a club.The use of the league designation in the name of the team implies that that team has achieved that level of play. In some cases that is a lie eventhough it sounds good.
That is the problem that most people have with clubs using that designation for a team that in some cases is not even eligible for Premier play. Do not kid yourself that the DOC's in the clubs are well aware of the marketing potential this designation brings to the team. I know many parents that were thinking their U-12 premier team and the U-16 Premier team were on the same level but of different ages.
I know we are talking semantics but sooner or later someone is going to start calling their U-11 boys team the U-11 Champions League Premier and some dumb a-- parent is going to start looking for their games on the soccer channel.