

92 girls ODP was a total joke this year. Just my thoughts.

The ’92 girl’s ODP camp was a joke. The pooling of players appeared to be done by Quija board, with a rock, paper, scissor tie breaker. Then, the next day a quick game of Go Fish to reshuffle the players based on 1-2 minute observations while talking on a cell phone. Unfortunately, the Go Fish game was also played with marked cards. The training was sub par. Well, sub par for U-10 players. They actually played duck, duck, goose and handball soccer. You don’t expect that at U-17/18 ODP but maybe I’m not on the cutting edge of the newest elite training techniques. It was probably a mistake for most of the players to attend (and definitely for mine), though obviously not for the SC ’92 pool player-congrats to her!

Was this a SC ODP coach? Or a R3 coach?