
"Ignorance" is my wife and I scheduling a trip to the Bahamas on the same week as the state cup final.

Especially when the semi's and finals are being played in our backyard.

If the state cup finals get moved back a week.....I'm all for it!

Hurst if State cup means that much to you then you stay home and i will be glad to keep your wife company on her trip to the Bahamas!

As for the other arguments,
First round games get moved to weekdays all the time. Most of the time it is to accomadate CESA but that is because CESA is the club always trying to do what is best for their players when it comes to exposure.Do any of you really want to punish the kids by making them forfiet and the best teams not playing in the state cup just because you do not like CESA. Then everyone on here that complained about Cesa can brag about their teams winning state cup and all of us CESA people can bash you about doing it without the Cesa teams not being there.Last year the Cesa u-17 girls did not get into Disney so their first round game was moved to a weekday so they could attend CASL that weekend. It gave the girls some late exsposure that may have helped some of them play in college.What is wrong with that?
How about lets move State cup up a few weeks and not prolong the season the way it is. Then there may not be as many conflicts for those teams wanting to play at CASL and other places during the first week of Dec.North Carolina has been finished for 2 weeks.