
So just to be clear. You guys think that the CESA 92 boys should have turned down the opportunity to play in the USYS National League to stay in SC and play in State Cup with everyone else? Seems a shame that the first team to ever earn their way into this prestigious league would be denied the opportunity to represent South Carolina at the national level.

On behalf of CESA 92 Premier, I'd like to say thank you to SCYSA and the teams involved in changing the State Cup schedule to enable the team to compete in the National League. The boys look forward to having a second crack at Hicksville of NY, whom they lost to during the first round of Nationals in Boston.

Logistics are just logistics. Opportunities to play at the highest possible level must be taken when they are earned and I commend everyone involved who made the decision to change the schedule so our team can participate in both events.

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.