Manchester... I am all for providing the best opportunities. I went through it and would never hold back anyone who choses to do what is best. Finotti's team is a quality group and many will have lots of playing years in the future.

My issue is with the rules, rules that are supposed to apply to everyone. What if a team that makes it to the semis cannot play on the 19th? One would argue that it was known that the date is rained out date and should have been in the schedule as an available to play date. But so was the 12th, what happens then? What happens if it rains on the 19th and the games cannot be played? when will state cup be played?

None of these has been layed out, what if my team has a conflict on the date in January that is chosen?

This is the reason why the calendar is published in August of every year. with dates and rained out dates