So what's the right answer coach?

For everyone but CESA.....making State Cup Final 4 is a big deal. The week leading up to the weekend is fun and the tension builds. In past years...our kids have gotten together for team dinners and things like that. Its a cool week.

For 3 out of the 4 92 boys teams.....that experience is kicked to the curb. I don't know what the answer is, but this just isn't right.

I guess my thought was.....when the NL schedule was announced SCYSA knew they had a conflict. Why didn't SCYSA address this at that time. Maybe pull the boys forward a week?

Not sure who said it......but I agree with them. This isn't a CESA thing so much as its apparently poor planning on the part of SCYSA.

Maybe SC should do what GA does.......Fall season, but State Cup in Spring.