I think the answer to your question is a highly individualized one. Most boys playing highly competitive soccer likely have dreams of playing professionally. As is the case in every sport, those dreams will seldom be realized. In a very few cases they are good enough to pursue those dreams in lieu of college. The vast majority of the guys with whom I'm familiar have realistic expectations of playing in college, some with significant soccer scholarships, and others with little soccer money. Ultimately, I think they all just want to keep playing at the highest level their skill and dedication will permit. For most that level will be college soccer, whether DI DII, DIII or NAIA.

For my son, goal #1 was to play in college. Goal #2 was to play D1. So far, so good. He'll be doing both in the Fall. Of course he still dreams of playing professionally but also understands that his soccer playing career is probably finished after college (and he better study like he understands that!)- but one never knows.