I believe it is the job of every parent to allow their children to dream big and to encourage and facilitate their attempt to reach that dream. It is also the job of every parent to ensure the dream does not cloud the future.

It is exactly those parents that forget to add realistic expectations to their discussions with their children that end up suffering the most in the eventual let down. Both because of their childs "failure" and their own.

As Bebe said, job number 1 in this world is STUDY, there is no alternate that can ensure a future better standard of living.

If you believe that CESA or any club's coaches can influence the future outcome, you are sadly mistaken. What they can do is prepare, guide and make contacts but they are not miracle workers. If they were, all their players would be recruited every year to the best schools for full rides or playing in Europe and if that was the case they would not be working in SC for long. They would be running some professional team's academy overseas.

You take a group of committed players that have the athletic ability and basic skills paired with good coaching and you have a highly competitive team. Put them in a situation were the exposure is highest and the likelyhood that some will be considered as future players is increased.

BUT....The truth is that college D1 schools are looking two years ahead and if by 17 you have not been contacted, your chances go down considerably

About 5% of players get to play in college (and only 2% get to play professionally - NCAA stats). So to CID's statement in a final 4 of state cup of the best teams in the state of SC (say 16 players/team).... 4 players will be given the opportunity. (I know the statistics calculations/assumptions are not 100% but it gives the point of discussion). Therefore someone in the other 3 teams do not get the exposure on a key date because a single team has to be accomodated.

It is not CESA's responsibility to do this. It is SCYSA's responsibility to ensure the schedule is adhered to. This was known in June and there was plenty of time for adjustments.

To Machester's point - the movement of the games has allowed the squad to participate in a prestigious league. This was facilitated by SCYSA, it could only be done with their approval. This facilitation will presumably allow those players to be exposed to college coaches (should have already been exposed in other tournaments) but what about the other teams?

A can of worms has been opened which SCYSA will not be able to easily close. Nobody negates CESA's ability to perform where its coaching staff determines is in the best interest of their team and club. It is a business (something that sometimes gets lost in all discussions - and in CESA's case a very well run business) but to expand your business (i.e. trademark) on the back of others will always invite conflict.

The fact that games for a state playof schedule originally set in january 2009 are being moved to accomodate one club did exactly this. What if it was my team? would SCYSA have done the same? what about all the rhetoric on MUST be available to play in the following dates at the beginning of the season? What about the "punishment" for rescheduling games? I do not know what CSSC or SC bulls (on the girls side) were told or why they agreed.

The point is now SCYSA is viewed as kowtowing to CESA. I believe the membership has the right to complain and the membership (all of which payed the same money) has a right to ask the question.

The SCYSA mission statement states:
"South Carolina Youth Soccer Association and our members are dedicated to promoting and improving soccer for everyone in the State of South Carolina"

EVERYONE.... big words...