

CESA will plateau out.

I'll go out on a limb and predict that, percentage wise, they won't ever do better than 7 out of 7

But I do think the overall tide is rising. There was not an easy game. And that's good for the entire state which should be everyone's ultimate goal.

Clever response, but I think you understand that I wasn't talking about plateauing within SC play.

CESA clearly now sees itself as a regional, maybe even national level club. However....at least on the boys side there are no longer CASL's or Greensboro's or Concorde Fire's or Dallas Texans for them to butt heads with. To that list you can pretty much add Bridge and CUFC.

The older teams have their own niche and are fine but I really think with the 93's on down CESA will be at a competitve disadvantage with the best teams until they join the Academy.

You would be hardpressed if you looked outside of soccer into the business world.....to find another model where creativity and innovation come from companies with an 89% market share.

CESA has done great things over the last couple of years. But they've either won or their competitors went to other markets. There appears to be no more wars to win in SC for CESA.

And I think both SC and CESA will be worse for it. The answer for CESA is Academy, IMO.