

Just plain don't understand the concept behind the Academy (or refuse to accept the value of it)

.......or do understand the concept behind the Academy and feel that:

1. There's more to life than my kids soccer 8 days a week.

2. The money tree in the backyard is a little bare these days due to this great economy we are currently living in.

Seriously, as much as I am a proponent of the Academy I believe without a doubt there are kids out there who are better soccer players - with more God given talent and better work ethics - probably playing on a challenge club than kids currently rostered on some of the Academy teams.

Why? Their parents work life and home life do not allow the committment it takes (not to mention financial committment)to play Academy ball.

Agree with almost everything you wrote. Almost....


--Kids/parents that will drive from out of town to go to Greenville are just as obsessviely nuts as Academy kids/parents. Academy is not much of a change for them.

--Personal comments from this past fall.....can't say I saw a bunch of u16 SCSCL kids that were Academy ready. 1 or 2 on some teams? Maybe. 0 on most teams.