Silence, what have I said that makes you think I'm living in a fantasyland? If you have something worthwhile to add, feel free, but so far, you haven't actually said anything.

Raekwon, one of the problems here is that this thread started out about the state cup, but has veered way off track. Can't say I didn't have anything to do with that, but if you will go back, you should realize that most of the original posters were angry - it just took a little while for them to realize where they needed to direct that anger (which, as it relates to the state cup, should be towards scysa, not cesa). I don't think anyone has shown hate towards cesa on this – only what appears to most to be special treatment given to a club by an organization that typically is unwilling to make changes for anyone (read the words slowly and carefully, please).

I'll admit, I am kinda carrying over from this thread: To understand the kool-aid comment, you'd have to go back and read that entire thread. And, if you read it all the way through, you'll see that I am not a cesa hater and never have been. I just don't like when people try to make their club out to be something it is not. But to summarize what I say in the other thread: cesa is not for everyone. The Academy is not for everyone. Each person should do what is best for themselves. No fantasies here.

But you should at least educate yourselves before commenting on the other. How many of you have taken the time to find out who formed the Academy and why they decided it was necessary? Do you know which organization cesa falls under? Which one ODP falls under?

I have been told that cesa HAS applied to be in the Academy. Don't know if it's true or not, but if it is, I hope that those of you who have assailed the Academy up to this point, will then tell your leaders at cesa, "thanks but no thanks, we're staying with scysa!" either, that, or most of this will be a moot point.