Nope. Sorry to seem to be doing the point counter point thing but you're wrong with your assumptions.

Average CESA R3PL team will play around 11 games with a trip to FL and a trip to Savannah. Maybe another trip to ATL and maybe 1 to Charlotte.

Will also play their own tournament and a SHowcase in the Fall. Say 7 additional games.

State Cup is 3 games

Disney in Orlando is 3-4 games. We're at 24-25 games by the end of Dec.

Then in the Spring the teams will play 3-5 Showcases....Atlanta, Kentucky, Ohio, etc. Throw in at least another dozen or so games.

Not counting scrimmages or friendlies.....35-40 games. Then we're pushing 40 games, maybe more.

Then nationals. Maybe National League.

Sorry....same games, same money, same requirements for time and training.

The only thing that is different is the level of play. CESA is now starting to miss out on playing the best teams. They still play good teams.....but not the best.