Was the level of play good? Were the teams playing CESA able to lift their games? If so......then absolutely its a great sign of the overall tide rising.

But if the CESA teams played down to the level of their competition, then thats NOT a good thing.

In the case of the U18 Girl's game on Saturday....Cesa had to lift their level of play UP to MPSC 91 Elite Girls level.

Even though Cesa added 2 or 3 (this has since been corrected to one, sorry) D1 College players to their roster before playoffs, MPSC was/is the better team. Anyone that watched that game will tell you the same thing.

Without the addition of the D1 players, no way Cesa wins that game. I have more thoughts on recruiting college players for the purpose of winning State that I will post under another thread.

In the case of MPSC 91 Elite Girls Vs Cesa 91 Premier ....the better team to represent South Carolina did not win.

Congratulations to MPSC 91 Elite Girls for a great season. I've enjoyed watching you play and grow up over the years. Soccer friends are the best friends and I wish you the best always.

Karen Ferrara aka Mama K
Team Manager, MPSC 91 Elite Girls

Last edited by Mama_K; 12/16/09 07:23 PM.